HiFu Treatments

3D-HIFU is the latest powerful face & body combination for skin lifting & targeted fat reduction using the most up-to-date, clinically proven HIFU technology to treat both face & body concerns

The HIFU face treatment works by sending highly focused acoustic energy below the skin’s surface to cause cellular friction within the molecules, resulting in precise, target-point heating. The friction between these molecules produces heat and thermal injury at a focal point within the skin tissue to create thermal coagulation zones at 3 selected depths (1.5mm, 3.0mm and 4.5mm), leaving the skin’s surface unaffected.

Delivering this focused energy to the dermal tissue causes immediate trauma to the treatment zone which then promotes heating, immediate contraction and collagen stimulation. The healing process works over approximately 180 days, stimulating long-term tissue repair leading to further lifting and tightening.

The SMAS layer (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) is also targeted during the treatment and is composed of collagen and elastin fibres, similar to those of the dermal tissue, and when treated, gives a long-lasting tightening effect.

3D HIFU is the latest Powerful face and body combination for skin lifting and targeted fat reduction.

Results on facial treatments take 3-6 months. Treatment can be repeated every 9 -12 months depending on skin and concerns.

Consultation and patch test is required …. £50

If treatment is booked and performed, £25 will be deducted.


Full face and neck ……………………………………… £650
Full face, neck and décolletage ………………. £750
Jawline and neck ………………………………………. £400
Eyes and forehead …………………………………….. £359
Décolletage ………………………………………………… £200

3D-HIFU Face is the latest nonsurgical facelift treatment using high intensity focussed ultrasound to both lift and tighten loose or sagging skin on the neck and the face without any downtime.

The Science

3D-HIFU Face focuses energy to stimulate the deep support layers of the skin without causing damage to the skin surface. The treatment stimulates the growth of new collagen resulting in a lifted, firmer and toned appearance of the skin.

What to expect

Results will develop over the course of 2-3 months with some clients experiencing continued improvement for up to six months. Whilst the 3D HIFU Face procedure will not be as drastic as surgical intervention, it is an exciting alternative for those clients who do not with to undergo surgery.

What is unique about the 3D-HIFU Face treatment?
3D-HIFU Face is the only treatment that can specifically target the deep foundation below the skin similar to that of cosmetic surgery without cutting or disrupting the surface of the skin utilizing a focussed ultrasound (HIFU).
Is 3D-HIFU Face surgery?
No. 3D-HIFU Face is focussed on the skin and the support layer below it without cutting or damaging the surface of the skin.
Can 3D-HIFU Face replace a facelift?
Although 3D-HIFU Face is uplifting, it is not a surgical facelift. Whilst our procedure will not be as drastic as surgical intervention, it is an inviting alternative to those who are not ready for surgery.
Is 3D-HIFU Face safe?
Thousands of treatments have been performed worldwide using this type of technology without any significant adverse events. In addition, the ultrasound energy has a proven track record, with use in the field of Aesthetic Medicine for more than 50 years.
Who is a good candidate for 3D-HIFU Face?
A good candidate for 3D-HIFU Face is someone with skin that has relaxed to the point of, an often feeling, less firm. i.e. tired. Typically, those in their thirties and older who have mild to moderate skin laxity are good candidates. If you are unsure about your compatibility please ask staff for a free consultation.
How long does the treatment take?
A full face and neck treatment takes approximately 60 minutes, whilst a partial face treatment can take around 30 minutes.

There is no downtime post treatment.

What problem areas can 3D-HIFU Face target?
3D-HIFU Face addresses any area where there is mild to moderate skin laxity issues. Specifically by reconditioning and renewing the skin from within, 3D-HIFU Face can lift the brow, which in turn reduces excess skin on the lids, opens up the eyes, and gives a more rejuvenated look overall. It is also highly effective on loose skin on the neck area and brings definition to the face and jawline.
How long until I see the results of 3D-HIFU Face?
Clients may witness some initial effect, but the ultimate ‘lifting and firming’ will take place over 2-3 months, as collagen is renewed and replaced with new stronger collagen. As this collagen building process continues, continued improvements can appear up to six months following a treatment.
How long do 3D-HIFU Face results last?
The firming benefits achieved following the treatment should last over one year, but skin continues to age. Yearly, touch-up treatments are recommended to combat the ageing process.
How many treatments will I need?
3D-HIFU Face is a one off treatment with a recommended maintenance top up every 18 months.
Is there any downtime with the 3D-HIFU Face treatment?
With the 3D-HIFU Face treatment, there is no downtime. You are able to return to your normal activities right away and there are is no special aftercare that you need to undertake, we simply advise that you drink plenty of water post treatment and avoid heat for 24 hours.
Will I feel the ultrasound during the treatment?

Yes. What you are feeling during the treatment is actually tiny amount of concentrated energy being delivered below the surface of the skin. Clients have reported that that there can be some discomfort while the energy is being applied but it is short lived and a good sign that the collagen restructuring process has been started.

There may be a slight redness for about one hour following the procedure, and a low percentage of clients may have slight swelling, tingling, or tenderness to touch but these are mild and temporary in nature.


No Downtime

Minimal Pain

Backed by surgeons as a safe alternative to surgery

Low cost alternative to surgery

Fantastic results

3D HIFU Body

Similarly, to the HIFU face treatment, HIFU body also works by using highly focused acoustic energy to create target-point heating.

However, this treatment targets different depths of 7mm and 13mm. 7mm targets superficial fat removal while 13mm targets a deeper fat removal.

The effect creates a focal point of energy, explosive adipocytes at 13mm to temperatures of 60-65°C . Exposing the fat cells to these high temperatures for 1 second causes rapid cell death by coagulative necrosis. This targets fat deposits

Treatment cost varies depending on area and type

Consultation and patch test is required …………………………… £50

If treatment is booked and performed £25 will be deducted.

3D-HIFU Body is the latest technology used to target specific focused areas of fat in the fastest possible treatment time.

Tech Explained:

This technology works by delivering focused energy at a depth of 1.3cm and 7mm to destroy fat cells. The high frequency of the ultrasound wave results in heating under the skin, effectively destroying the fat cells and tightening the skin in the area treated. The damaged cells are flushed away via a natural removal process through the lymphatic system that continues for up to 3 months.

Best For:

• Pockets of Stubborn Fat
• Body Sculpting
• Targeted Fat Removal

How this tech works

The 3D-HIFU Body handpiece delivers focussed ultrasound waves to a precise depth to cause necrosis if the fat cell. The controlled movement of the handpiece results in a grid of treated fat cells. The high frequency of the ultrasound wave, results in rapid heating of the focal zone at 1 .3cm and 7mm under the skin leaving the skin’s surface unaffected. However, this energy increases in temperature as it gets deeper within the skin due to the energy of the HIFU causing cellular friction. Exposing the fat cells to this high temperature causes rapid cell death (Necrosis).

What areas can be improved with 3D-HIFU Body?
This treatment is great for busting those stubborn pockets of unwanted fat. Recommended areas for treatment are typically: abdomen, flanks, hips, thighs, and buttocks.
How many treatments are recommended?
A single treatment per area is recommended.
What results can I expect from this treatment?
Noticeable results can be seen from 2-4
months post treatment.
What will I experience during treatment?
A hand piece will be placed on the skin, this is the hand piece used to target focussed energy to the fat cells. The hand piece is placed on the area of treatment and held there for approximately 2 minutes. This will be repeated 3 times per treatment area.
During treatment, you may feel the warmth of the hand piece, and in some cases it may get slightly hot and uncomfortable. You may also feel a slight vibration and tingling sensation, although this is completely normal.
How long does the treatment take?
The treatment will be approximately 30-60 minutes in total per application.
Is there any downtime with this treatment?
With the 3D-HIFU Body treatment, there is no downtime. You are able to return to your normal activities right away and there is no special aftercare that you need to undertake, we just advise to drink plenty of water post-treatment and to avoid heat for 24 hours.

3D-HIFU Body is a one-off treatment with only one treatment required on the area treated.


Safe Alternative to Surgery
One off Treatment
No Downtime
Permanent Results

More information and Frequently Asked Questions

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110 Winter Hey Lane


Tel: 01204 667487

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Welcome to Bodywise, your trusted destination for exceptional skin and health treatments since 1996. Nestled in the heart of Horwich, our unisex clinic is dedicated to delivering a professional and transformative experience.

You can email us at info@bodywiseskinclinic.co.uk If for any reason, should you need to cancel an appointment, please call instead.

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There are times when our receptionist isn’t on duty, so we kindly ask that you arrive just 5 minutes before your appointment time, to avoid our treatments being interrupted.


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You can park on the side road of the clinic, there is a car park behind the post office.

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We require a 50% deposit against your first appointment.

Patch Test

This is required for all tinting services.
If you;

•Have received a vaccination or booster.
• Not received a tint for 6 months

• Any change in medication.

Please inform us, so we can re-test.